Call to Action: Demand a Public Hearing for proposed changes State Fairgrounds Transit Center

October 14, 2020
Call to Action: Demand a Public Hearing for proposed changes to State Fairgrounds Transit Center

Read the Detroit People’s Platform Transit Team’s
Analysis On the recent City Planning Commission vote on the State Fairgrounds Development Deal

How to make your public comment:

When making your comment (You may have as little as 1 minute, or up to 2 minutes to make your comment)
State your name, “Hello, my name is______ and I am an essential bus rider And member of the Transit Justice Team, 
(Say your comment, and if you need help – Click here to learn more about how this will impact bus riders here )
Close with: “Do not vote on this development until DDOT has announced a date for a Public Hearing, as we are entitled to that right. Thank you.”

Speak Out on Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. – virtual meeting of the Detroit City Council Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee.  

The Standing Committee may be viewed in the following manner.

1.     Watch via television

·       Comcast: Channel 10

·       ATT: From Channel 99, click Detroit, then Channel 10

2. Watch online by using and clicking on Channel 10.

3. To attend by phone only, call one of these numbers:

+1-929-436-2866, +1-312-626-6799, +1-669-900-6833, +1-253-215-8782, +1-301-715 8592, or +1-346-248-7799 Enter Meeting ID: 330332554##

4. To attend online:

Public Comment:

To participate at the time of Public Comment, please raise your hand within the zoom application.

1.              Telephone participants: Raise your hand by pressing *9

2.              Web participants: Raise your hand by clicking raise hand in the application or pressing

a.              Windows computer = [ALT] + [Y]

b.              Apple  computers = [OPTION] + [Y]

To be consistent with how Public Comment has been handled for in-person meetings:

·       You will be called on in the order in which your hand is raised

·       All time limits set by the meeting Chair will still be enforced

·       Any hands raised after the Chair ends submission of public comments, will not be able to speak at the meeting

All interested persons are invited to be present and be heard as to their views. Persons making oral presentations are encouraged to submit written copies to the City Clerk’s Office via e-mail, for the record.


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Future of the Michigan State Fairgrounds