Be a Real Part of Budgeting Our Tax Dollars
The city budget is our money and we should decide how it can be spent. Currently, the city uses an ineffective system called the Budget Priorities Outreach to try to do this. While it allows for resident input, there is no obligation for the city to fund what the community asked for.
Real Participatory Budgeting (PB), empowers residents to democratically decide how to spend funds allocated from the city budget. This process will give Detroiters real power over real money. With PB, Detroiters will have the power to fund what they want, unlike the current budget priorities outreach process which only allows for resident input.
Cities all across the country use PB with great results. For example, Grand Rapids sets aside $2 million for residents to allocate funds to any projects they choose. Here in Detroit, the same could be done. Each City Council District would receive $1 million and thru the PB process residents select and fund the projects, programs, and services they want, from neighborhood youth and senior services, micro development projects, and other opportunities that meet their needs.
Next week, City Council will be considering using PB for the next budget cycle. Email your Councilmember to let them know that the current Budget Priorities Outreach doesn’t work and needs to be replaced with Participatory Budgeting. Detroiters want more power over their budget dollars and it starts with PB.
City Council will be taking public comment on the budget on April 1, 2024 at 5pm. Attend virtually and make public comment calling for support of Participatory Budgeting for Detroit.
Zoom Link:
Find your City Councilmember’s contact info:
Mary Sheffield
Council President, District 5
James Tate
President Pro Tem, District 1
Angela Whitfield-Calloway
District 2
Scott Benson
District 3
Latisha Johnson
District 4
Gabriela Santiago-Romero
District 6
Fred Durhal III
District 7
Mary Waters
Coleman A. Young II
At Large
For more information on Participatory Budgeting, visit: