Community Health Corp – CARES Money for Research and Referral

September 22, 2020
Urgent Action!
Tuesday, Sept 22, 2020 - City Council to VOTE on a $1.6 Million contract for Community Health Corps.  The contract will use $1.6 million dollars in CARES funding to conduct a dragnet for low income Black women and their children; pointing to illiteracy and behavioral issues as the root of their problems.

Urgent Action Needed!

Contact (tag, tweet, email, call) your Detroit Council Members immediately and demand a NO vote on the request for the 1.6 million dollar contract to establish Community Health Corp.  Detroit City Council is slated to vote on the contract Tuesday, September 21 at 10 am. Attend the virtual council meeting and make a public comment:

The $1.6 million dollar contract is based on federal funding intended to provide support for families most impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic -families who need help with rent, utility payments, and water shutoffs.

Instead of providing direct support to our families to deal with these hardships, the $1.6 million dollars is being used to fund a research and referral project to collect data on struggling Black families.

Detroit families need every penny of COVID -19 federal funds to go directly to help get thru these difficult times now and in the future.

Here is the limited information provided on the city webpage:

2020 Detroit City Council Contact Information

Brenda Jones, Council President, At-Large

313-224-1245 – @DetCouncilPres


Janeé L Ayers, At-Large

313-224-4248 – @Ayers4Detroit


James Tate, District 1

313-224-1027 – @CouncilmanTate


Roy McCalister Jr., District 2

313-224-4535 – @RoyMcCalisterJr


Scott Benson, District 3

313-224-1198 – @Scottinthe3rd


André Spivey, District 4

313-224-4505 – @AndreLSpivey


Mary Sheffield, President Pro Temp, District 5

313-224-4505 – @MsMarySheffield


Raquel Casteñeda-Lopez, District 6

313-224-2450 – @Raquel4Detroit


Gabe Leland, District 7

313-224-2151 – @GabeLeland