Detroit City Council unanimously approve FY20/21 Budget

May 5, 2020

Today, Tuesday May 5. 2020, Detroit City Council unanimously approved budget cuts for the next fiscal year proposed by Mayor Duggan. These cuts are in response to anticipated revenue losses due to the coronavirus pandemic.

We want to thank everyone who engaged in this process, made calls and emails, virtually attended and participated in meetings and raised awareness through their networks and social media. Thank you for joining our Budget Action Week

We will continue to challenge the members of City Council to acknowledge that these are extraordinary times and that we need extraordinary leadership to make bold decisions that buck the status quo.

Detroit People’s Platform and Equitable Detroit, the citywide Community Benefits Coalition, will continue this budget fight as the Mayor’s proposed cuts to the current year’s budget will be discussed and voted on in the coming weeks.

We continue to advocate for and take action on budgeting for the common good through the lens of Racial Equity.

1. We demand the process and decision making be transparent. These decisions will impact Detroiters for generations to come.

2. We demand the allocation of the budget and relief funds be centered in racial equity that produces economic and social well-being for Majority Black Detroit.

3. We demand a process that holds elected officials and decision makers accountable to Detroiters.

We continue to encourage all Detroiters to call City Council and demand that they challenge the Mayor on these cuts and other decisions that do not put Detroiters first. Continue to join Detroit People’s Platform as we exercise our political muscles and flex our power.



Detroit City Council Contact Information

Brenda Jones, Council President, At-Large
313-224-1245 – @DetCouncilPres

Janeé L Ayers, At-Large
313-224-1027 – @Ayers4Detroit

James Tate, District 1
313-224-1027 – @CouncilmanTate

Roy McCalister Jr., District 2
313-224-4535 – @RoyMcCalisterJr

Scott Benson, District 3
313-224-1198 – @Scottinthe3rd

André Spivey, District 4
313-224-4505 – @AndreLSpivey

Mary Sheffield, President Pro Temp, District 5
313-224-4505 – @MsMarySheffield

Raquel Casteñeda-Lopez, District 6
313-224-2450 – @Raquel4Detroit

Gabe Leland, District 7
313-224-2151 – @GabeLeland