Defund Demolitions in Detroit

April 21, 2022

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds have been provided by the Federal government to address the COVID-19 pandemic recovery. In Detroit and across the nation, evictions and unjust foreclosures are a result of the pandemic burden faced by low income households that are largely Black, Indigenous and People of Color.  The Housing Trust Fund is one of the only ways to address this crisis by providing truly affordable and accessible housing.

The amount of ARPA funds that have been slated for demolition: $95 million

The amount of ARPA funds that have been slated for truly affordable housing through the Housing Trust Fund: $0

The city of Detroit received the 5th largest amount of federal ARPA funds, yet Detroiters stand to benefit the least in terms of sustainable housing relief. Throughout the Duggan administration, one of the ways much needed funds have been diverted is by spending it on demolitions. The Mayor and City Council must act to DEFUND DEMOLITION programs and shift money to support truly affordable and accessible housing through the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

Majority Black Detroit deserves a fair and equitable investment from ARPA funds. 

We call for the development of truly affordable and accessible housing and call for a one time investment of ARPA funds in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.    


Mayor Duggan's Demolition History

In addition to the programs listed below, there are other funding sources that support demolition in Detroit.

$263 million diverted from federal Hardest Hit Funds1

$160 million from Proposal N1

$400 million ($50 million allocated annually for blight since 2014) 1

at least:

$823 million

1 Source: